The Liberal Interest Group: Families USA believes that healthcare should be affordable to all. This is to ease worry and assist in equality. The organization is focused, going deeper into overlooked parts of healthcare plans like dental work and racial inequalities in healthcare. They use pathos appeal by reminding how important these are "inextricably linked to the well-being, success, and future prosperity of the United States as a whole.". The limit here is that they do not address their faults. They state their mission to be easy and don't talk too much about the repercussions of failure but do look towards an ideal future.
The Conservatives: Americans for Prosperity believe that healthcare cannot be for everyone since they want lower taxes and healthcare for all, would get in the way of that. Following Donald Trump they are also reporting on how Obamacare is a problem and should be met with resistance. The equality that Obamacare provides leaves the problem "most can offer only one option, which might or might not suit employees’ needs." that the plan may not be right for everyone. Other parts of the article have more of a bias from the perspective of businesses displaying the goal of little to no taxes. The issue is impacted by healthcare. They use percents for the persuasion style of logos.
Both carry with them important matters at hand Americans for Prosperity focuses more on taxes. Families USA looks at equality with the best for everyone in mind. There are the perspectives of buyer in Families USA and seller in Americans for Prosperity. I would look more brightly on Families USA's goal of healthcare for all. The work provided healthcare my dad has been relying on has mostly been for itself trying to get him to work or avoid helping him.