Friday, November 2, 2018

Blog Post #4

Media connects those listening by informing. The source can sometimes sway their listeners opinion on things by displaying them in a certain light rather than just fact.Image result for breitbartBreitbart vs CNN on the migrant caravan.Image result for cnn CNN wants to reach for democrats while Breitbart republicans. Both have reported on the migrant caravan. Despite having differing views they both agree that the government serves a role in protecting the boarder and that laws have to be followed, where they disagree is what the people waiting to be let in should be seen as.Image result for migrant caravan

CNN on the issue interviewed the Mexicans themselves. They asked why not wait to be called into the country. The one they spoke with after speaking of trying to find better jobs. He also mentioned that they were also fleeing from violence, an answer the reported questioned if it was not part of the case. When asked to wait in line they feel it is necessary to move as the situation is present. This has a huge affect as it is the problem itself. They are reporting on and from the perspective of those who are the participants. The audience starts to feel sorry for the people after hearing their situation. The questioning could have had a bias but the person just told the situation itself.

While at first it would seem Breitbart is also trying to be more sympathetic further analysis shows they are reporting on the bad that some migrants have done. They interview those in the caravan, asking of their conditions and getting responses that they don't have much food nor water. In the same video they shared a recording of some they called troublemakers hoping the fence. While trying to interview the folks inside the reporter says no one wants to talk because they are planning to do wrong and escape. Like CNN they provide perspective from the inside unlike it however they also capture their own responses to the actions provided.

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